Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pomegranate Fiesta!!

When it's fall, it's Pomegranate Time. To celebrate, with some help from the lovely folks at POM, I had a great Pomegranate Fiesta!!

At the par-tay, I taught everybody how to open pomegranates and how to get out the seeds. Although most guests had never done it before, everybody had a lot of fun doing it.

To eat, I took everybody on a trip around the world!! We had a lovely North African salad with goat cheese, caramelized almonds, persimmons, and pomegranate seeds with a pomegranate dressing. From Argentina, we had empanadas stuffed with pomegranate-braised beef and served with a pomegranate chimichurri. From the Middle East, we had Persian stew of pomegranates, walnuts, and chicken. And for dessert, we had a lovely American blueberry and pomegranate cheesecake.
A great time was had by all (check the pomegranate tossing contest in the pictures below!!). I definitely recommend incorporating pomegranates into your recipes for both tart taste and bright, bright color!!